

how can this man said that mexican food's "refried sick", when the Mexican Cuisine has been declared Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO? and it's in the top 5 of the mooost delicous food in the world?!! that kind of comments makes me very angry!

Mexico's a very rich country in nature resources (oil, minerals,etc), we have all types of ecosystems with the exceptiooon of the Tundra, is one of the countries with most heritages of humanity, we hav a long and interesting history since prehispanic times wth the Mesoamerican's civilizations like: Mayas, Teotihuacanos, unto the independenc and +.

and then? what happen? if we have all these awesome things, why we still being an underdeveloped country?
Hey, is tiime to change! we must remove the conformism! to raiise our voices and don't let the government continue stealiiing our money!, wasting resources and selling them to foreigners!


Andy: Hi Brenda, can I ask u some questions?

Brenda: Hi, of course

A: What do u do in ur free time?

B: Well, I like surfing internet, going out with friends, going to the movies and sleeping! I love sleeping!

A: Haha nice! So, I guess u take a nap in the afternoons?

B: Yes, everythay at 5:00 pm after meal, I sleep 2 hours

A: ohh good, and what kind of movies do u like?

B: Well I don't a favourite genre, I just ask that the movie has a good history

A: Ok, thanks Brenda. Bye

B: Bye Andy!




Nota de voz-0002.mp3
